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    3 Reasons Why Tire Alignment & Rotation Are Important

    Does your car vibrate when you drive it? Can’t remember the last time you had a mechanic look at your tires? While vehicle tune-ups are important, don’t neglect the health of your tires! Otherwise, you risk needing a set of four new tires , which can be quite expensive. Here are 3 reasons why tire […]

  • A man changing Antilock Braking System.

    Five Signs You Need New Brakes

    The brake pads make up just one of several different components of the entire braking system, which also includes: Rotors Brake Lines Brake Fluid Pistons Springs ABS (Antilock Braking System) Sensors Over time, these parts and components do wear out and will need to replaced, repaired, or serviced. Most modern vehicles have several early detection […]

  • Woman refilling air in her car tyre, Calgary AB

    How Do I Know if I Need New Tires?

    Imagine a situation that nobody wants to be in: you’re driving down the road when all of a sudden something feels off about your tires. Is the pressure low? Do you have a flat? Was there a blowout? You know that you need to get it checked, but do you really need brand new tires […]

  • Automotive air suspension system.

    Feel Like Your Ride Is Bumpy? Time to Have Your Struts and Shocks Checked

    Your vehicle’s tires are one of the most important parts of your car, and nearly everything they encounter on a daily basis can cause wear and tear. One of the biggest contributing factors is having bad shocks or struts. Unfortunately, it’s tremendously easy to forget about your shocks and struts, as they take around 50,000 […]